
I am addicted to sunny days. The ones where you walk outside and the sunshine hits you... and you just can't help smiling... welcome to the world of the happy pixie!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The big day!

The lead up to the wedding was fantastic - the hen's night was relaxing (see right), with lots of food and a tarot-type reading (apparently i've got the spirit of a black crow at the moment and i'll become a whale in the future).

The next night was the henna, which included food, dancing and traditional Moroccan costumes (see left).

Finally, the wedding was last night. Tali looked like a princess and Gil looked great in his brown vest. The setting was perfect - everyone (including the bride and groom) mingled/drank/ate a little beforehand, then the ceremony was held around sunset across the bridge in the middle of the lake (see below). Gil did a brilliant job of saying the vows and breaking the glass, then it was onto the eating and dancing. And there was a lot of both...

The wedding had everything - Tali's sister sang a beautiful song, there were balloons after the bridal dance, we had light wands and whistles on the dance floor.

The food was amazing - there was a very yummy buffet, then people carrying out trays of fruit, then trays of chocolate. And then there was dessert. When you thought it had all finished, around midnight, they brought out the hamburger and waffle stands. Amazing!

It was just such a magical night. Masal tov again to Tali and Gil!

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At 8:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting wedding! Esp the food part!


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